Photographer / Godfried de Groot (1894 - 1963)

Den Helder 1908 – 1911
ca. 1908 De Groot was registered in Den Helder as a photographer and student of Dijkstra (Leijerzapf et al. 1984–)
Den Bosch 1911 – 1913
student of Pierre Weynen (Leijerzapf et al. 1984–)
Bad Nauheim 1913 – 1917
worked at photographer Hartmann (Leijerzapf et al. 1984–)
Amsterdam 1917 – 1963
settled in Amsterdam; after Max’s death, the studio was continued by Peter Max Selby; until the dissolution in 1970 the studio retained the name of de Groot (Leijerzapf et al. 1984–)